Monday, May 25, 2020

The Financial Crisis Of 2007-2008 Fading - 2282 Words

Introduction: Hitherto, an abundance of economic literature exists concerning the determination of asset returns. With the footprint of the financial crisis of 2007-2008 fading, renewed interest of this topic has flourished, as both economists and politicians seek to enhance the understanding of the dynamic relations that exist between asset returns and a series of other economic indicators. Prior to the crisis, the availability of credit expanded significantly due to favourable market conditions. As a result, commercial banks increased substantially the volume of sub-prime mortgages being offered to borrowers. In practise despite misconceptions, â€Å"Whenever a bank makes a loan, it simultaneously creates a matching deposit in the borrower’s bank account, thereby creating new money† (McLeay, Radia and Thomas, 2014, pp.1). In the period of 2000-2007, it is estimated that banks created over  £1 trillion through their issuance of loans to borrowers prior to the crisis (Positive Money, 2014). Consequently, the impact of such a credit expansion caused real assets, such as house prices, to increase as a result of the increased demand. Similarly, through the same mechanism, an expansion of credit also caused increases in the values of securities tied to U.S real estate (i.e. mortgage-backed securities), as investors believed that house prices would continue to rise. Furthermore, one might postulate that changes in economic variables, such as the money supply or rate of inflation,Show MoreRelatedJb Hi-Fi Report3981 Words   |  16 Pagesthe shop floor. JBH uses its size and mix of high growth categories to increase its buying and advertising synergies. They are focused on growth, opening 39 stores in the past 2 years and a securing another 18 sites set to open in the 2009/2010 financial year. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Consecuencias de tener bebé en EE.UU. como turista

Tener un hijo en Estados Unidos mientras se està ¡ en el paà ­s en condicià ³n de turista puede tener consecuencias migratorias positivas y tambià ©n muy negativas. Esto aplica a aquellas personas extranjeras que ingresan con visa de turista, con visa là ¡ser tambià ©n conocida como tarjeta de cruce y, por à ºltimo, a los que ingresan sin visa bajo el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados. En este artà ­culo se explica el efecto positivo y por el que realmente los padres pueden sentirse inclinados a que su bebà © nazca en Estados Unidos. Pero tambià ©n se hace referencia pormenorizada a las posibles consecuencias negativas, ya que cada vez son mà ¡s frecuentes y, por regla general, puede decirse que los padres nunca piensan en ellas, hasta que se encuentran con el problema. Por à ºltimo, se explica cà ³mo evitar las consecuencias negativas para lo cual se menciona cuà ¡l es el costo medio de dar a luz en Estados Unidos, el paà ­s de todo el mundo donde es mà ¡s caro nacer. Consecuencias positivas cuando turista da a luz en EE.UU. Todos los bebà ©s nacidos en el paà ­s son ciudadanos americanos desde el momento de su nacimiento con la excepcià ³n de los hijos de diplomà ¡ticos que se encuentran en Estados Unidos en dicha funcià ³n. En este caso, el bebà © adquiere la nacionalidad de sus padres. El resto de bebà ©s, es decir, los que no son hijos de diplomà ¡ticos destinados en Estados Unidos, adquieren la ciudadanà ­a en virtud de lo que se conoce como ius soli. Es indiferente el estatus migratorio de los padres, tampoco importa  si residen habitualmente en Estados Unidos o solamete està ¡n de paso o disfrutando una temporada. Con el acta de nacimiento del recià ©n nacido se puede obtener un pasaporte para el menor, teniendo en cuenta que para solicitarlo han de estar presentes el bebà © y los dos padres y, si no fuera posible la presencia de ambos, hay que cumplir con otros requisitos legales. El nià ±o o la nià ±a serà ¡ ciudadanos americanos de por vida, a menos que renuncien expresamente a ser estadounidenses o de adultos realicen alguna accià ³n que tenga como castigo la pà ©rdida de la nacionalidad. Seguirà ¡n siendo estadounidenses aunque al poco de nacer regresen al paà ­s de sus papà ¡s y vivan allà ¡ el resto de sus vidas y adquieran tambià ©n la ciudadanà ­a de los padres. En cuanto a posibles derechos migratorios de los papà ¡s de un nià ±o ciudadano americano hay que decir que existen muchas ideas equivocadas, ya que un ciudadano estadounidense menor de 21 aà ±os jamà ¡s puede reclamar papeles para sus padres. Y aà ºn en ese caso existen là ­mites segà ºn el estatus migratorio de los padres en Estados Unidos. En otras palabras, dar a luz en Estados Unidos no da derecho a los padres a quedarse en el paà ­s ni a regular la situacià ³n. Por à ºltimo, hay que tener en cuenta otra cuestià ³n importante, que es la de la doble nacionalidad. Estados Unidos no pone problemas a la hora de que un bebà © nacido en el paà ­s adquiera tambià ©n otra nacionalidad por razà ³n de sus padres. Sin embargo, no todos los paà ­ses admiten la doble nacionalidad, por lo tanto ese es un tema que cada padre y madre debe verificar con su embajada o consulado. Consecuencias negativas de tener un hijo en EE.UU. como turista Para evitar tener problemas hay que tener un seguro mà ©dico o pagar del propio bolsillo todos los gastos mà ©dicos derivados del nacimiento. En este punto destacar que es prà ¡cticamente imposible obtener un seguro mà ©dico en Estados Unidos o en otro paà ­s que cubra a los turistas los gastos de dar a luz. Esto significa en la prà ¡ctica que el padre y/o la madre deben hacerse cargo de los gastos del nacimiento del bebà © y de posibles cuidados mà ©dicos que necesite la madre. El problema es que en Estados Unidos dar a luz es muy caro, si bien hay importantes diferencias entre estados. Asà ­, segà ºn datos de International Federation of Health Plans, el costo medio de dar a luz de forma natural y sin complicaciones es de $10.808. En el caso de ser necesaria una cesà ¡rea, el costo medio es de $51.125, segà ºn datos de Childbirth Connection. Los gastos se incrementan en el caso de complicaciones, partos prematuros y necesidad de incubadora o partos mà ºltiples. En muchas ocasiones los papà ¡s extranjeros desconocen que estos son los costos y cuando llega el momento del parto acuden al hospital sin seguro mà ©dico y sin dinero suficiente para cubrir los costos. En estos casos, se le asigna un trabajador social y el recibo ocasionado por el nacimiento lo cubre Medicaid  de Emergencia, un seguro gubernamental que cubre los gastos mà ©dicos de los estadounidenses mà ¡s pobres y de ciertos extranjeros como residentes permanentes legales en casos muy concretos, refugiados y asilados. Y aquà ­ es donde se origina el problema, al ocasionar un gasto a las arcas pà ºblicas americanas y convertirse asà ­ en lo que se conoce como una carga pà ºblica. Posibles consecuencias de no pagar gastos de nacimiento Si no se paga por el nacimiento de un bebà © y Medicaid se hace cargo del gasto pueden surgir graves problemas migratorios. En primer lugar, la visa de ambos padres puede ser revocada o cancelada. Para entender esto hay que recordar que una de las condiciones para que se conceda la visa en primer lugar es probar que no se va a ser una carga pà ºblica para el gobierno americano. Y al dejar sin pagar una factura mà ©dica a la que debe hacer frente Medicaid se ha hecho precisamente eso. Por lo tanto, es muy posible quedarse sin visa. Ademà ¡s, puede que el titular de la visa no se entere de que à ©sta ha sido cancelada hasta que intenta entrar de nuevo a Estados Unidos y se encuentra con problemas en la aduana y que no se le permite la entrada. Asimismo, puede suceder que cuando se va al consulado a renovar la visa, se niegue la solicitud. Esto aplica tambià ©n a los padres con visa là ¡ser y a los que ingresaron sin visa por el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados. En este caso, podrà ­an perder este privilegio. El problema no suele surgir de inmediato, sino en el momento de renovar la visa o la ESTA o cuando se solicita la renovacià ³n del pasaporte estadounidense del hijo. Por el tipo de preguntas que se realizan en los formularios queda claro que el bebà © nacià ³ cuando la mamà ¡ estaba como turista en Estados Unidos y se pueden hacer preguntas para determinar si los padres pagaron por el parto y pueden demostrarlo o, por el contrario, si fueron una carga pà ºblica.  ¿Es posible arreglar el problema pagando mà ¡s tarde a Medicaid? No, no es posible. Esto lo intentan muchos padres cuando se encuentra con el problema entre las manos. Pero Medicaid simplemente no tiene establecido un trà ¡mite para recuperar el dinero en estos casos, sà ³lo cuando ha habido fraude. A consecuencia de ello, esa deuda queda siempre ahà ­ pendiente y puede ser el origen de muchos disgustos relacionados con rechazos de visas y otras peticiones migratorias.  ¿Quà © hacer cuando se viaja a EE.UU. para evitar estos problemas? La solucià ³n es viajar siempre con un buen seguro mà ©dico y/o con dinero suficiente para hacer frente a gastos sanitarios. Es muy importante tener en cuenta que los gastos mà ©dicos en Estados Unidos son altà ­simos y que un parto sin complicacià ³n alguna puede costar varios miles de dà ³lares. Hay que destacar que muchos seguros mà ©dicos excluyen cubrir por un parto en el extranjero y que ningà ºn seguro mà ©dico de Estados Unidos va a cubrir por un parto de una persona de otro paà ­s que quiere venir a dar a luz aquà ­. Si pagà ³ por el parto es muy recomendable que lleve consigo las facturas siempre que viaje a Estados Unidos. Si surge un problema en la aduana por este motivo, conveniente tener a mano justificacià ³n del pago. Tambià ©n es altamente recomendable  no quedarse mà ¡s tiempo del permitido, ni siquiera alegando que se recià ©n se tuvo un bebà © y que estaba muy chiquito para viajar o que estaba enfermo o la madre no estaba recuperada del parto. Esa no es razà ³n và ¡lida para permanecer en Estados Unidos mà ¡s allà ¡ del tiempo autorizado.   Precisamente para evitar posibles problemas en los que se puede incurrir por ignorancia, es recomendable  tomar este  quiz, trivial o test sobre visas  de gran ayuda para conocer lo fundamental sobre cà ³mo obtener la visa y cà ³mo conservarla. Curiosidad sobre bebà ©s hispanos en Estados Unidos El alto à ­ndice de nacimientos latinos en Estados Unidos ha colocado a los hispanos como la minorà ­a mà ¡s numerosa, habiendo sobrepasado a los afroamericanos. Un reflejo de ello es que tres apellidos hispanos se encuentran entre los 10 mà ¡s comunes. Este artà ­culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso en particular.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

No More Weird Architecture And Its Effect On The...

Introduction All kinds of strange landmarks in China has exceeded â€Å"the Tyrant city: Dubai† where its was also described as the contemporary architectural museum. Chinese cities are entering the era of the craziest, however, its soon coming to an end. Last month Xi Jinping’s comment, â€Å"No more weird architecture has caused an uproar in the construction industry: the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development is organising expert discussions will likely strengthen the construction of public buildings in particular approval; local governments are actively discuss how to implement the spirit of the speech; at the same time, at least some public bidding projects have begun to be affected; Architects and developers have begun to debate,†¦show more content†¦In order to understand, we will start looking at Chinese modern architecture from China’s construction boom period when China started to introduce international architects and internal migrant workers, their influence and affect on Chinese modern architecture. Background of Contemporary Architecture and construction/ The Globalisation influence ( Chinese modern architecture: more influenced by the west) In retrospect, this boom is solely responsible for modern China’s architectural movement, and this only truly began in the last 15 years. Just 20 years ago, there were no private architectural firms in China, only state-run institutes. Due to the huge demands of the rapid urbanisation of Mainland China starting from 2008 olympics, there was a sudden need for architects and planners to facilitate construction, and this itself forced a transition in architectural production to take place, as the local workforce – both architects and labourers - did not possess the necessary capacity alone. This led to an influx of international architects and migrant workers into China. One might say that the construction boom is a golden opportunity for millions of people to earn a decent salary and improve their living standards, moving on from poverty. In fact, the Olympics attracted millions of migrant workers from the rural villages. From an economics point of view, this is an opportunity to stimulate the economy

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Principles Of The Interactive Media Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Principles Of The Interactive Media. Answer: Introduction The following assignment is the analysis of the website. The chosen website for this assignment is a gaming website known as the ubisoft. Ubisoft is the video game publishing company which launches the game made by the game developers. Ubisoft is the rising company in the gaming business they have launched various popular games like Assassin creed which has been on high demand thus working on such website will provide a good knowledge about the marketing strategy related to the rise of the website. The users in this website can range from 18 to 35 years of age. The characteristics of the user in this website are the people who are looking for the best game which has good interface and the multimedia. The main task which the user performs is to find the best game which they can play. Discussion The Ubisoft is the video game publishing company who publishes or launches the video games made either by the company or some game developing company. Some of the popular games made or launched by the website is watch dogs, tom Clancys the division, assassin creed and for honor. The assassin creed series which is published by the ubisoft is the best running games in the history. There have been various versions and series of the game developed by the company (Rada 2012). The assassin creed is considered to be the most reliable and the annual franchise of the company. In the year 2016 the latest version of the game has generated over seven hundred million dollars in the sale of the third quarter of the financial year. Therefore in the year 2016 the company generated over one and half billion dollars in the sales. The video game evaluation in the year 2016 in the United States was over 18 billion dollars. According to the statics of the video game played in the year 2016 the average ag e of the gamers who are playing the videogames is 35 years. The average of the purchasers of the games is 38 years. The percentage of the house which owns a gaming device is over sixty five percent and the average years the games ahs even playing the game is thirteen years. The male percentage of the gamers is fifty nine percent and the female gamers are forty one percent. Thus the above statics implies that nowadays every age group of the people is playing video games to pass their time. Therefore the typical users of the game are not only restricted to the children but different age group should also be targeted for marketing (Gee 2014). Over fifty percent of the users are playing the sports games. Thus the website needs to publish more of e-sports games. Method used to measure usability Feedback of any work is important to measure the usage and effect of that work on the customer. It also helps in detecting the loopholes in the work which can be corrected. In the gaming sector there are various methodologies development has been done in order to evaluate and analyze the user experience. The factors which include for measuring the game usability is fun, flow and Playability which is the common used factor to analyze the game usage (Chen 2014). A person also proposed the framework which can be used for the evaluation of the factor playability during game play. Taking the factor the user experience into the account its user experience is found to be the sum of all other factors, like playability, flow or usability. Playability can be the key factor for measuring the user experience. The sample screens and an analysis of the usability The above figure shows the various steps how to find the usability. The first step is the brand experience the second step is the desirability of the game and the third step is the utility of the game. Each step of the analysis depicts the customer satisfaction message which proves that the game is successfully running in the market. The analysis of the functionality of the interface in gaming The chosen website for the assignment is a gaming website which publishes the video games. Interface is defined as the platform where the user can exchange the data with the computer. Thus in gaming website the interface is a primary factor. If the interface of a game is good then the exchange of the information will be quick and efficient which means that the game will not hang and perform the instruction given by the user (Jones, Comfort and Hillier 2013). For example if the user presses the run button the instruction will quickly accessed by the processor and the action will be performed thus the game will run smoothly. The background music and all the controls of the game come under the interface part. Thus to design a best interface is a huge task for the company if the interface is faulty or not attractive the game will not be successful in the market. In the gaming website to attract the typical user the website of the game should be look attractive (van Vliet et al. 2012). Gaming is all about the efficient use of the graphics so that the pictures and videos look mo re attractive thus the gaming website should display an attractive graphics in its background. The user looks for the best games to play so the website should have the section which include the best games with its description to know the background of the game. The main task that the user needs to perform with the interface is all the controls of the game like the running, jumping and all other commands which is present in the game. It basically includes all the controls of the game. Other important factor of the gaming website is its navigation which means the way finding which is also known as the website architecture. (Hemmati et al. 2013). Another factor in the gaming website is its multimedia element. The multimedia element includes the image, videos and animation. In gaming the animation is the main tool on which the game is designed and makes it more realistic. Better the animation better will be the game graphics as the result the game will look more attractive (Rogers 2014). The animation of the game can be improved by putting images, videos and texts to make the animation part of the game more attractive. Thus in designing a gaming website the animation should be given top priority which will make the site more attractive. The six guidelines The selected website for this assignment is a gaming website. Therefore certain factors should be kept or removed from the game: The shortcuts: the feature of the shortcuts includes the breadcrumb navigation, search and scan columns. In the chosen website the feature of the shortcut should be present so that time complexity on the website by the user can decrease (Schaul 2013). If the user wants the information of the particular game then he can easily use the search column to search about the particular game or ca use the breadcrumb navigation to track back to the site where he was before. Navigation and Way finding: the navigation is an important part of the website it can help the company to study about the game, most of the customer is navigating to which will help them to study the customer liking towards a particular game. The mental mapping is important part of designing a website as it will help the customer to find the information about the games efficiently and easily. Pager headers and pager footers: These features are not necessary to give in the chosen website but it giving headers and footers will enable them to display extra information about the game like the copyright or the designers of the game. Typesetting: the feature of the typesetting is important for the website to make the website more attractive moreover the important information about the certain game can be seen by the user. Hence the feature of the typesetting should be included in the website. Graphics: Since the chosen website in the assignment is a gaming website. Therefore the concept of the graphics should be included in the website to make the website more attractive. To display the information about the game with its sample graphics is required in the website. Color: the website in the assignment is a gaming website. Therefore to include the feature of the graphics color is also required to make the website attractive. Conclusion From the report it can be concluded that the user of the gaming website are According to the statics of the video game played in the year 2016 the average age of the gamers who are playing the videogames is 35 years. The gaming industry is growing day by day as in the year 2016 the company generated over one and half billion dollars in the sales. The users in the website can be the factors which include for measuring the game usability is fun, flow and Playability which is the common used factor to analyze the game usage. Other methods of evaluations were more efficient to find the tool to measure the concept of user experience by including the account flow or fun or the playability of the particular games. References Chen, L., 2014. Research on Cultivation of Creative Class under Industrial Environment Cluster--Take Cartoon Game Industry as an Example. Chung, P. and Fung, A., 2013. Internet Development and the Commercialization of Online Gaming in China. 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