Monday, June 17, 2019

In what ways is a non state actor different from a nation state Essay

In what ways is a non offer actor different from a nation state - Essay ExampleA nation state is a legal entity that has come into existence by means of the encomium and recognition of the global entities. It enjoys the privileges and other accreditations of the global community. A nation state comes into existence through the fulfillment of number of factors. These factors are essential in terms of becoming an independent state. The first and foremost factor that is essential towards the nation states existence is its occupation over a defined territory. This territory must not be in conflict with other nations. The other factor that makes up for a nation state includes a nations ability of a state to engage itself in the international intercourse and international kindred building with the other states. The third factor is that of recognition by the global community. Without the recognition, the nation state fuelnot come into force. Politically, economically, socially complete and self reliant entities can make up for a nation state. This has been formally defined for the first time after the First World War when League of Nations gave shape to the design of nations, legal entities and illegal entities. A nation that has no major conflict over the land or resources can earn nationhood through the consent and approval of the United Nations.Java earned its independence from Indonesia through the approval of United Nations. The Nongovernmental organizations and entities are also termed as the non state actors, however their domain of work, their existential concept and operative nature is different.

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